
New Soup Blog

So I've begun a blog of my soup experiences. You can continue to see regular things here, but all my soup experiences will be henceforth located at the soupertrouper blog. Which is about soup...and has an Abba reference.


On the phone...

J.: If you're twenty something and you just find out you're Mexican, you don't freakin' act Mexican, you just found out! And she's hitting on all these Mexican guys at the bar...


How long can you mourn a goldfish?

Othello died last night from Ich, or the medication. He was suffering but I miss him. Seeing his little floating body made me break down. Then I called Kate (my sister) and we talked for about a half hour. That was nice. I still have the tank running. I don't think I will get another fish, at least now until January but it's better to have it running for algea purposes. I don't know if I want another fish though. Does anyone need a 10 gallon fish tank? with filter, heater, air stones, pump, ornaments...sigh. I had him for 15 months. I miss him. I haven't really told anyone except Kate and Allie over im. My itunes played sad songs last night all on its own. :( Poor Othello.


Dark and difficult times lie ahead, Harry. Soon we must all face the choice between what is right... and what is easy.


God and the B-52s

Me: but if God is communicating with me through my iTunes, what does this B-52's song mean?
Al: is it rock lobster?
Me: no
Al: oh good.
Al: 'cause i read an article once, about how when god makes rock lobster play it means death is fast approaching
which is a shame, 'cause its so catchy


The Carrie Quiz

Remember when you could make quizzes about yourself online and then have your friends take them and like, "see how well you know me!" ? This will be like that, only it is a personal score.

1. What is the name of the girl who has the BEST iTunes library ever because it includes all the cheesiest pop hits from the past ten years INCLUDING the Spice Girls entire catalogue plus Geri's solo album?
A. Anna
B. Amelia
C. Christina
D. Darlene

2. Who did I decide liked me this week?
A. My education class professor
B. My mom
C. My friends who work at Payless
D. God

3. Who sings my favorite song of this week?
A. Diana DeGarmo
B. Bruce Springsteen
C. Cass "Mama Cass" Eliot
D. Geri Halliwell

4. What's the best cereal ever?
A. Frosted Cheerios
B. Honey Nut Cheerios
C. Plain Cheerios
D. Frosted Flakes

5. Where did my car stall today?
A. I64
B. Confusion Corner
C. South Henry Street
D. The IHOP on Richcmond Road

6. After said car stalled, what slogan did I use to pep talk it into continuing to my destination?
A. We've been through so much together!
B. You're a Chevy! You're 'Like a Rock!"
C. I know I'm not the most considerate and attentive owner, but in our relationship, I'm the one who is the slacker, not you!
D. You're my Second favorite machine (and you outlived the iMac!)
E. All of the above

7. Which of these is my fish's name?
A. Othello
B. Harry
C. Max
D. Fred

8. Have I taken a narcotic in the past seven days?
A. Yes
B. No

9. Pairs of shoes bought since August?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 5
D. 1

10. I'm curled up with my big stuffed ________
A. Bear
B. Cat
C. iBook
D. Alligator



today, for example

There are days when I miss making prints so much...


new name

I renamed my blog after an old joke and a new joke.



One more day of my internship...I'll miss it...however, I didn't get to lure sex offenders like Ebony, some people have ALL the luck. :/ thats my hmph face.

back to the 'burg in 8 days. ew the south again...

so nice out today, 75 and sunny...i heart Albany weather...went on an Albany Aquaducks lunchtime river tour with Dad, also we saw the penguin movie on Tuesday at the Spectrum.

today's news brought to you by the letter R and the number 4.

"and you were only joking" playing right now

no letters from camp in forever!!

ah! a glimpse!

P. B. Shelley
You are Percy Bysshe Shelley! Famous for your
dreamy abstraction and your quirky verse,
you're the model "sensitive poet." A
vegetarian socialist with great personal charm
and a definite way with the love poem, you
remain an idol for female readers. There are
dozens of cute anecdotes about you, and I love

Which Major Romantic Poet Would You Be (if You Were a Major Romantic Poet)?
brought to you by Quizilla



I sent my friend Claire a package today. She's English and she's far from home because she's at camp in New Hampshire. It was a hard time writing the letterto her on Thursday. The BBC says that 50 people died that day in London. More, many more are injured. And Jeff's going to Afghanistan in Febraury or March. I just don't know how we're going to fix this.


Very quickly

internship: good
living with family: fun, no privacy, house to myself all next week and i'll be lonely
dog: sweet and fun
cat: mean and bitchy
Lumina: still going strong
Home Movies Season 2: even better than season 1
weather: hot past few days
pool: perfect
iPod: great
iBook: lovely
Fish: doing well, need to clean his tank a bit
fish table: finished!
Going to Maine this weekend...


Right, Right, Sorry

Well, just a note because I don't have a lot of time, Al and I are headed off to the Albany County Democratic Picnic. Yeah, sounds exciting, hopefully we'll get good footage for our documentary film on my Dad's campaign. More later, promise!


Well, it's only two weeks away...

Hey, there CupFans!
You know what today is?
Two weeks from Carrie's birthday! That's what today is!!
(2 weeks, and an hour to be more exact.)
well, you may be asking yourself, what could Carrie possibly want for her birthday, she has everything! (And this is kinda true because right now, I'm trying to pack it all to move later today.)
So, let's have a little look at the list here, shall we?
!. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Original Soundtrack
@. The Incredibles in DVD (widescreen)
#. iTunes gift cards
$. <---
%. an iTrip

maybe more later...think small though, there's so much to pack...


My Life,The Movie Soundtrack

My Life, the Soundtrack
Opening Credits: 11:11 (Rufus Wainwright)
Average Day: Everyday People (Sly and The Family Stone)
Falling in Love: You and Me Song (The Wannadies)
Love Scene: Turn Me On (Norah Jones)
Breaking Up: Everybody Hurts (REM)
Getting Back: All You Need is Love (The Beatles)
Revenge: Just About to Break (Paul Kelly)
Fight Scene: Sunday, Bloody Sunday (U2)
Mental Breakdown: Rainy Day (Guster)
Life's OK: Here I Go Again (Whitesnake)
Driving: Send Me on My Way (Rusted Root)
Learning a Lesson: You Can't Always Get What You Want (The Rolling Stones)
Flashback: Nightswimming (REM)
Partying: Drink the Night Away (Gaelic Storm)
Happy Dance: Waterloo (ABBA)
Regretting: If I Could Start Today Again (Paul Kelly)
Long Night Alone: 100 Years (Five for Fighting)
Death Scene: Across the Universe (Rufus Wainwright)
Closing Credits: Look, Ma, No Hands (Elton John)


This photographer rocks my world



Thoughts on the Pope's passing.

Overwhelming, I feel good for the guy. He was 84 and very sick. He lived a good life. He was Pope. We should all be so lucky as to live such a life. So, if I belived in religion, or God, (and I still capitalize, you know, just in case.) and in Catholicism, as the Pope did, I'd say, he's going home. But George W. just said that. And you know how I hate to agree with him.
So here's to you, Pope.
Cheers, mate.

And in memory of the last time we stood on the same side, publicly, I say in tribute,
"The CCHS Class of 1999 supports the Papal prayer for peace in Kosovo."
And I'd add to that
Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan, Somalia, Uganda, Columbia, The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Georgia, Chechnia, Israel, The Nation of Palestine, Azerbaijan, Nepal, Laos, The Philippines, Burma.
And to the unheard, unnoticed victims of violence.

And so, I admire the pope's strength, love of life, and will to serve those who had no voice.
There are many good ripples.

Odpoczynek w pokoju, Ojciec.



"High Flight"

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds - and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of - wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there,
I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air.
Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue
I've topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace
Where never lark, or even eagle flew -
And, while with silent lifting mind I've trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand and touched the face of God.

John Gillespie Magee, Jr.


Peeps and libraries

My mom sent this to me. She is a librarian, actually she is a Library System Director! (SuperBrarian!!)


phoning it in

What's going on man?
Why do I tweak every March?
But anyway, lots of love to Kate for linking my blog to hers to expand la readership.
I will link to her when I work out how to do that exactly...
Kate actually writes about substantive things and is coherent, perhaps you'll like her. Unfortunately if you like me, that may mean you aren't a fan of substantive and coherent. . .
"You're trailing off and did I catch a 'niner' in there? Were you calling from a Walkie-Talkie?"
so check out skibak8.blogspot.com
In other news:
Mikaylah got kicked off Idol tonight, and Yes, she sings worst, but, she was almost growing on me...ok, no, not really, but everyone else is a little bland. Nadia, I love you, no fauxhawk. Ever again.
ClydePod likes motown now.
I've readopted a beanie baby polar bear as my new computer mascot. She is white like Bonnie (the iBook) so theres that reference to the lime iMac (we had some good times, old computer) with the green frogs. Also, she references Philip Pullman and his armored bears. Also I have his illustration of Iorek on my desktop so I can look at it, and depending on mood/circumstances my relationship to his symbolism changes, for example he can mean determination, or toughness or creativity or strength, or love and when you think about it, thats rather Alethiometer-like isn't it? Cheers to you, Philip Pullman.
Bought The Poisonwood Bible at the Williamsburg library. Such a great book.
Watched the Star Wars episode III "webisodes" at moviefone.com
You know, maybe we've been going about this thinking all wrong. Perhaps we need to see these prequels as almost entirely a new genre or the experimental scifi genre, and not as the classics of old. Thats the brief synopsis, for more let's get some feedback.
Favorite sites of the week remain the BBC news and TelevisionWithoutPity.com
Song rising to the top of ChartCuppie: I'll Take You There by the Staple Singers
Currently playing: Chopin (I'm in mello classical mood)
Shouts to the Big Pete who immed out of the blue today.


Things on my key ring(s)

1. RIT "It's all about respect" keytag. This says that if I lose my keys, the finder can just drop them into a mailbox and they'll go to RIT, get matched up with my name and info (last updated spring 2003) and be returned to me. But since then, I stopped going to school at RIT, changed my address, phone number and email...but maybe they could contact me through my parents? Oh, man, who knows...

2. Lilo and Stitch Carrie keyring with the broken I, this is complex, so here it is in steps...
Step A: My sister goes to DisneyWorld and makes it for me (it's a series of beads)
Step B: She gives it to me as a graduation/birthday gift (same day)
Step C: I lose it at their hotel in Rochester.
Step D: I go to Disney with my family a year (approximately) later. Al and I make a replacement keychain.
Step E: I close said keychain in the car door. I glue the broken I back together.

3. Food Lion MVP Customer tag. This is really Danielle's mvp food lion account, but she had an extra Food Lion one and I had an extra Ukrops. So we swapped.

4. Phoebe fishing lure: It was too small to really catch a fish, but it works REALLY well at scratching off lotto tickets.

5. Keys to my car, my current apartment, last year's apartment, my room, my parents' house (front door only) the Grad computer lab, and the MPR. Oh, and my mailbox

6. Baby Sharpie. Cutest marker ever. Have yet to see how useful this is because I just got it today. However, what could be more useful than a Sharpie?


You read this ?

I recently found out.
That people ACTUALLY read this.
Here's some notes on things i've been doing/thinking.

1. If I can't call you, don't leave me messages that say stuff like "Oh, please be there!" while it makes me feel loved, I worry, and you don't have a phone number. :( indeed.

2. Ok, if you are on American Idol, I feel free to judge you. Everything. Outfit, body type, voice. EVERYTHING. And you deserve it for being on reality TV.

3. Atheists are funnier.

4. Professors shouldn't be allowed to teach without any educational training or skills. A ph.d in economics does not equal ability to teach.

5. Education today is totally screwed up.

6. This 5 star iTunes playlist is brilliant. (Now playing: Paul Kelly: Forty-Eight Angels)

7. This blog has many many Paul Kelly references. Even the title...especially the title...

8. I've mailed packages to Rochester and Sweden this week.

9. www.televisionwithoutpity.com

10. Hey whomever's writing One Live to Live, it's finally climbing out of the hole. Not bad.

11. Man I can't believe people actually read this. I feel like, almost pressured to be not idiotic and boring. oh man...maybe more links...?


fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to the dark side

I'm tired of taking tests.
Haven't learned anything in so long.
Ha! Education. Public policy, aim for the middle, children!
I miss art school.
George Lucas said its because they have no imagination, maybe it's his fault.
Maybe its this culture, this American Idol.
Maybe its lesson plan cookie cutter creativity.
Somebody come break some tiles with me.
And talk to some polar bears, its great conversation.
HA! And Irish music plays on and on.
I'm going to write to my grandpa. He's turning eighty.
I'll be eighty too, one of these days.
You'll never catch me.

Philip Pullman on religion

Today I came upon www.philip-pullman.com.
Wonderful website. Amazing writer, and he had this to say about religion:


Some of the articles and talks I've written are to do with the subject of religion, which I think is a very interesting one. The religious impulse – which includes the sense of awe and mystery we feel when we look at the universe, the urge to find a meaning and a purpose in our lives, our sense of moral kinship with other human beings – is part of being human, and I value it. I'd be a damn fool not to.

But organised religion is quite another thing. The trouble is that all too often in human history, churches and priesthoods have set themselves up to rule people's lives in the name of some invisible god (and they're all invisible, because they don't exist) – and done terrible damage. In the name of their god, they have burned, hanged, tortured, maimed, robbed, violated, and enslaved millions of their fellow-creatures, and done so with the happy conviction that they were doing the will of God, and they would go to Heaven for it.

That is the religion I hate, and I'm happy to be known as its enemy."

-And that really sums up what I think and why I don't go to church anymore. I'm happy that Mr. Pullman can explain it so well and I'm impressed because I don't often find people who understand the problem.


weekpocalypse (tm:Matt)

it's over! yay break!


Today's Heroes

Prof. McGlennon for being a reasonable person and pushing back the due date for our paper.
Steve M. for his Pepsi cap that got Love in an Elevator downloaded free.


Lots of love this week

So much love to Bryan. So much.
Also, much love this week to Matt, who will be our king.
Also, to the cast of Murphy Brown, I love you all. Especially you, Charles Kimbrough.

I decided top ten lists are fun, heres another one:
The Top Ten Reasons I Heart iTunes:

10. Alphabetical Order: we all know I love it.

9. I can spend an afternoon rating all of my songs out of five stars.

8. After rating all of my songs I can make smart playlists with the information I've given iTunes in ratings and frequently played songs, then I can put those lists onto ClydePod and listen to them everywhere.

7. Magnatune Radio.

6. Celtic Melt.

5. CoS Pagan Radio.

4. The visualizer.

3. iTunes Music Store.

2. Gracenote CD Database.

1. Bonnie + ClydePod + iTunes = Happy Carrie.


The Top Ten Reasons I Should Be Your Intern

The Top Ten Reasons To Hire Me For An Intern:

10. I'm a pretty crappy Blogger and probably will not share the secrets of the office romance/post bathroom visit nonhandwasher/amazing and innovative business practices that will enable any and all competitors to surpass your company.

9. I own seven messenger bags, and I can look the part. Also, I have never auditioned for a reality television show.

8. I have a BBC addiction. Go on, ask me about the news! OOH! or the media!!

7. I'm fluent in Macintosh operating systems, but I did not get the tattoo.

6. You have no idea WHAT my undergraduate major was, but it sounds impressive and I did try to explain it twice.

5. I know the intended lyrics to the Bonanza theme song.

4. "I love technology, but not as much as you, you see..."

3. I haven't thrown up in seven years. No, seriously, thats pretty relevant to most government/politics work.

2. I bought the first season of Murphy Brown on DVD and I'll even let you borrow it.

1. I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and gosh darn it, people like me.


Mark wins



Sorry, fans

Dude, i'm the worst blogger ever. I'm going to go film something with my digital camera and make an experimental film. Now, this shouldn't be confused with experimental films that are art. No, I want to be weird. So, all good experimental filmmakers that I know who are respectable (Jesse Borkowski) or the ones that I don't know that are good and interesting and cool, I'm just fulfilling a need to get some creative energy out and I do not mean to demean your genre. However, those of you out there who make crap? I'm better than you. HAHA NO!! I have a blog.